Starting out with a nice slide blues guitar, the song (and album for that matter) start off pretty damn well. Captain Beefheart's voice is wonderful on this track. Perfectly raspy with enough insanity in his eyes so that he can really sell it. Like, really sell the insanity.
Movie of the Week: Dan In Real Life
In honor of the nearness of Valentine's Day (which is on saturday) I decided to put a somewhat romantically involved movie. I think that Steve Carrell really brings out his acting in this movie. He shows that he isn't just a joker, and that he certainly is not Two-Dimensional. The Photography is pleasing. It's not blatant. It's enjoyable. The music is also very nice, and works splendidly in the movie.
Album of the Week: Waiting for My Rocket to Come - Jason Mraz
Jason Mraz's major label Debut, "Waiting for My Rocket to Come" is rather incredible. Throughout the album, several things are proven. Firstly, Mraz has an incredible voice and plenty of passion in his music. Secondly, you don't need to write something concrete lyrically, to get a good lyrical sound. Lastly, that everything sounds better with complex chords and perfect production.
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